New Feature
Resolution: Won't Do
There is a discussion going on about what URLs should or should not be used for the "stream for free" URL relationship. Currently there are no guidelines on this matter, so here are some ideas.
- Only link to reputable/licensed websites. Links to unlicensed streaming services (e.g. Grooveshark) are not allowed.
- Similar to the above, when linking to YouTube, only post links to videos uploaded to an artist's official YouTube page (denoted by a ♪ mark) or that of their record label.
- has related issue
STYLE-1877 Support "stream for free" Label-URL relationships
- Closed
I still think the current wording is clear enough, personally. We don't want to restrict uploads to only "official channels" with a symbol because I've seen plenty of official artist channels which are not "YouTube Official Artist Channels", plus plenty of officially uploaded videos which are not on an artist or label channel. For things like dodgy Spotify releases, I think it's already ok to remove those if we find them, but changing the wording won't help here because most people will have no idea how to tell if an upload is legit - it seems better to just assume it is since that's true in almost all cases, and act when they're found not to be.
We could add one sentence to the guidelines section if someone can offer something that would seem useful and clear, let me know.