Resolution: Unresolved
Given the compare function in AB-27, implement support for comparing a new taco to all existing tacos with the same MBID. Create a new database table called "questionable_tacos" (LOL) that has only one column: A FK to the lowlevel table row id. This table will be used to identify all tacos that appear to be questionable.
When examining all tacos for one MBID, questionable is defined as:
- All tacos are different from each other: Add/update the rowids for each questionable taco to the q_t table.
- Two or more tacos are the same, one or more tacos are different: Add/update the rowids for the questionable tacos to the q_t table. If a taco that was previously listed as questionable is now verified by the submission of another taco (read: it is the same as a newly submitted taco), move that questionable taco out of the q_t table.
Sanity check incoming Tacos
Resolution: Unresolved
Given the compare function in AB-27, implement support for comparing a new taco to all existing tacos with the same MBID. Create a new database table called "questionable_tacos" (LOL) that has only one column: A FK to the lowlevel table row id. This table will be used to identify all tacos that appear to be questionable.
When examining all tacos for one MBID, questionable is defined as:
- All tacos are different from each other: Add/update the rowids for each questionable taco to the q_t table.
- Two or more tacos are the same, one or more tacos are different: Add/update the rowids for the questionable tacos to the q_t table. If a taco that was previously listed as questionable is now verified by the submission of another taco (read: it is the same as a newly submitted taco), move that questionable taco out of the q_t table.