Resolution: Unresolved
Currently, searching for "Easton, Pennsylvania, U.S.A" gives no result.
Searching for "Easton" we can see the correct result in the list, with the disambiguation next to it ("Pennsylvania,…").
That disambiguation showing the subdivision and country an Area is part of is only computed for search results after they have been fetched, meaning that this information is not indexed, and consequently cannot be searched for.
I have tried to index it as disambiguation on indexing, which is the solution for this ticket, but that's a lot of recursive DB requests and the database times out somehow.
The code to look at is here:
Current implementation: https://github.com/bookbrainz/bookbrainz-site/blob/1eb3b464c2b08fd59618463850b9d68e8688a45e/src/common/helpers/search.js#L52-L59
needs to be moved to: https://github.com/bookbrainz/bookbrainz-site/blob/master/src/common/helpers/search.js#L380-L388
- is related to
BB-474 Places of Birth and Death are very unspesific.
- Closed