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Name: -Thammattama. A Sri Lankan Drum.(Wikipedia)]
Also known as: Pokuru-Beraya, Twin-Drums
Disambiguation: Two Wooden Drums of Different sizes. Played with Sticks.
Description: Thammattama is a instrument with two different drums. The right Drum produces a louder sound and the Left Drum produces a deeper sound. Drums are made by Wood from Milla,Kos trees and Animal Skin.Played by Striking the heads with sticks of cane with a ring at each end known as "Kadippuwa". Used in Hewisi bands of temples.
External Links: 1.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sri_Lanka_drums 2. https://lanka.com/about/interests/traditional-drums/
3. https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankan-Drumming-Michael-Balonek/dp/1466300337/