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  1. ListenBrainz
  2. LB-1023

Consider replacing the broken heart emoji as the "hate" icon


    • Icon: Design Design
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • web pages

      I know there was considerable discussion on IRC regarding the selection of emojis to use for the "love" and "hate" icons, but I don't recall the details.  The heart for "love" makes perfect sense, but I'm not sure that the broken heart is the best selection for "hate".  Perhaps a better choice would be the poop emoji.  The statement, "This song is a POS." is a much clearer indication that you hate it than, "This song breaks my heart."

      If you want to avoid the poop emoji, then perhaps the "love" emoji could be a heart in a green circle, with the "hate" emoji being a heart in a red circle with a strikethrough (symbolizing "no love").  This format is pretty much universally understood, and would better indicate the two choices.

        1. heart-3.jpg
          58 kB
        2. heart-2.jpg
          42 kB
        3. heart-1.jpg
          19 kB

            rodrickwamala@gmail.com rodrickwamala@gmail.com
            rdswift Bob Swift
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            7 Start watching this issue


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