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  1. ListenBrainz
  2. LB-1538

Set additional user locations/areas (e.g. for events)


    • Icon: New Feature New Feature
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • None
    • None

      Note: Core user area function is going to be implemented in MetaBrainz OAuth instead, see LB-1549.

      This ticket has been adjusted to allow for a LB interface for setting additional areas (if wanted), which the mockups are still relevant for, but this shouldn't be implemented before LB-1549.

      Displaying all events for artists is easy-ish (LB-1537), but if we want to display upcoming events in the user feed (LB-1351) then we need to know what events are taking place in the users area. It may come in handy for other future features as well.

      This needs to be optional, and we need to let users know that this data will be public.

      We could either incorporate this into the 'Timezone' settings page (maybe rename it to something like Location), or make a new 'Location' settings page.


      The area field/search searches and correlates to the MusicBrainz area table (this is required, because then we can map MusicBrainz events to the user area).

      Stretch goals (might be more suitable for a new ticket):

      • It would be cool to be able to set additional/secondary areas - for instance, if someone lives in one place, but is travelling or often visits another town for work or for family, then they may want to be informed of events in that area as well. We could add a '+ add secondary area' button under the primary search field, which adds more fields.
      • ?

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