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  1. MusicBrainz Server
  2. MBS-12602

To-be-created works in the relationship editor being a link can be confusing


    • Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • None
    • Relationship editor
    • None

      Batch-creating works now makes them only pending, rather than creating them outright. This can be useful if you make a mistake and I'm not against the idea, but having them be links is confusing (since it suggests you can already visit them as separate pages) and seems to provide no benefit (you can click them to... be sent to them? but you're already by them if you can click them). See the first work on the image.


      FWIW, I can kinda understand the point of the links on the left hand directing you to the specific work on the right hand pane (even though it's a bit confusing), but the links on the right seem entirely useless.


      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Open a release without any works, e.g. https://beta.musicbrainz.org/release/71aad6d8-1f31-456a-8095-7f849e6564ad/edit-relationships
      2. Select some recording checkboxes in the left column.
      3. Click "Batch-create new works" at the top of the page in the center.
      4. Hit "Done" when the dialog shows up
      5. In right works column, pending works will show up. The work titles will be links that you can click, but the links are seemingly useless.

            bitmap Michael Wiencek
            reosarevok Nicolás Tamargo
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            3 Start watching this issue


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