New Feature
Resolution: Fixed
- has related issue
MBS-5600 Getting artist with included recordings and releases in json causes HTTP500
- Closed
MBS-5609 JSON webservice doesn't send relationship attributes
- Closed
MBS-5672 JSON webservice uses different field names for artist credits on tracks vs. other places.
- Closed
MBS-5676 JSON relationships output doesn't include target-type
- Closed
MBS-5713 Alias types missing from the JSON webservice
- Closed
MBS-5903 JSON webservice doesn't return release-list in collection query
- Closed
MBS-6007 JSON release webservice doesn't include works
- Closed
MBS-6444 WS JSON RG search zero results
- Closed
MBS-6591 JSON: Composer and release lookup
- Closed
MBS-8082 Gender missing on artist lookup (JSON)
- Closed
MBS-8882 CORS not supported for search API (both HTTP and HTTPS)
- Closed
MBS-5679 /ws/3 should consistently use "name" or "title", not both
- Open
MBS-6687 Webservice should indicate when a relation attribute is an instrument, vocal, etc.
- Open
MBS-5317 Webservice needs to support fmt=json switch to fmt=jsonnew for search queries
- Closed
- is a dependency of
SEARCH-379 JSON recording response embeds track artist credit inside an artist credit
- Closed
SEARCH-383 JSON return an array called 'artist' instead of 'artists'
- Closed
MBS-5168 Add JSON-LD support to /ws/2 json webservice.
- Open
MBS-211 Implement editing via the webservice
- Reopened
MBS-4057 JSONP output format
- Closed