Valid point. Bulk edit submission from client (single request) is needed for efficiency; especially due to req-per-second limit. However edit notes need to be linked to an individual edit as manifested on the server, probably.
My view is that the solution for this is that the server is changed to always create separate edits for each release (for a release-level edit submission like barcode association). We can decouple number-of-POSTs from number-of-edits-created and meet both goals. I mention this on the forum thread as well; these bulk edits are difficult to vote on. and that somehow the schema allows you to associate an edit note at the entity level. I can see the below is probably breaking the model by mixing in edit information with entities; but trying to get the idea across.
<metadata xmlns="">
<release id="047ea202-b98d-46ae-97f7-0180a20ee5cf">
<note>Sourced from release itself, label XXXX cat xxxx via Jaikoz 3.4.5</note>
<release id="047ea202-b98d-46ae-97f7-0180a20sdsdd">
<note>Sourced from release itself, label YYYY, cat yyyy via Jaikoz 3.4.5</note>
This will be resolved as part of MBS-211 work, but we will not be working on it before then. I'm closing this as a duplicate of MBS-211, and also linking MBS-211 as 'resolving' this.