Resolution: Duplicate
To reproduce:
- Open the add artist page, enter a name and sortname
- Click "Add relationship"
- Select an artist, the "member" relationship type and the "founded" attribute, then click "Done"
- Click "Add another artist"
- Select another artist and the "children" relationship type, then click "Done"
- Submit the edits
Expected behaviour: The "founded" attribute is cleared when changing the relationship type, so it's not included on the "children" relationship.
Actual behaviour: The "founded" attribute remains, even though the relationship type has been changed and submitting the form produces the following ISE:
Caught exception in MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::Artist->create "The edit could not be created.
POST: $VAR1 =Unknown macro: { 'edit-artist.edit_note' => '', 'edit-artist.end_area.name' => '', 'edit-artist.begin_area.gid' => '', 'edit-artist.period.end_date.month' => '', 'edit-artist.area_id' => '', 'edit-artist.rel.0.attributes.0.type.gid' => '4fd3b255-a7d7-4424-9a63-40fa543b601c', 'edit-artist.area.gid' => '', 'edit-artist.period.end_date.year' => '', 'edit-artist.period.end_date.day' => '', 'edit-artist.comment' => '', 'edit-artist.end_area_id' => '', 'edit-artist.name' => '1111111111110', 'edit-artist.rel.1.attributes.0.type.gid' => '4fd3b255-a7d7-4424-9a63-40fa543b601c', 'edit-artist.begin_area.name' => '', 'edit-artist.area.name' => '', 'edit-artist.rel.1.target' => 'f6769c45-02ff-4dd8-b027-4351248f25b0', 'edit-artist.isni_codes.0' => '', 'edit-artist.end_area.gid' => '', 'edit-artist.rel.0.target' => '3a40a4c9-67ab-4887-90ab-2d7972f9e5b0', 'edit-artist.begin_area_id' => '', 'edit-artist.period.begin_date.year' => '', 'edit-artist.gender_id' => '', 'edit-artist.ipi_codes.0' => '', 'edit-artist.period.begin_date.month' => '', 'edit-artist.sort_name' => '1', 'edit-artist.type_id' => '', 'edit-artist.rel.0.link_type_id' => '103', 'edit-artist.rel.1.link_type_id' => '109', 'edit-artist.period.begin_date.day' => '' };
Exception:$VAR1 = 'Could not create MusicBrainz::Server::Edit::Relationship::Create edit
attributes => [
type => {
gid => "4fd3b255-a7d7-4424-9a63-40fa543b601c",
id => 525,
name => "founder",
root =>Unknown macro: { gid => "4fd3b255-a7d7-4424-9a63-40fa543b601c", id => 525, name => "founder" }}
ended => 0,
entity0 => bless( {
begin_date => bless( {}, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate\' ),
comment => "",
edits_pending => 0,
end_date => bless( {}, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate\' ),
ended => 0,
gid => "d9f55cfb-662d-45da-a4e5-ae4521efda83",
id => 1123996,
ipi_codes => [],
isni_codes => [],
last_updated => bless( {
formatter => undef,
local_c =>Unknown macro: { day => 1, day_of_quarter => 62, day_of_week => 1, day_of_year => 335, hour => 9, minute => 42, month => 12, quarter => 4, second => 11, year => 2014 },
local_rd_days => 735568,
local_rd_secs => 34931,
locale => bless(Unknown macro: { default_date_format_length => "medium", default_time_format_length => "medium", en_complete_name => "English United States", en_language => "English", en_territory => "United States", id => "en_US", native_complete_name => "English United States", native_language => "English", native_territory => "United States" }, \'DateTime::Locale::en_US\' ),
offset_modifier => 0,
rd_nanosecs => 750751000,
tz => bless(Unknown macro: { name => "UTC" }, \'DateTime::TimeZone::UTC\' ),
utc_rd_days => 735568,
utc_rd_secs => 34931,
utc_year => 2015
}, \'DateTime\' ),
name => "1111111111110",
sort_name => 1
}, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist\' ),
entity1 => bless( {
begin_date => bless( {}, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate\' ),
comment => "US rapper",
edits_pending => 0,
end_date => bless( {}, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::PartialDate\' ),
ended => 0,
gid => "f6769c45-02ff-4dd8-b027-4351248f25b0",
id => 966689,
ipi_codes => [],
isni_codes => [],
last_updated => bless( {
formatter => undef,
local_c =>Unknown macro: { day => 17, day_of_quarter => 17, day_of_week => 4, day_of_year => 17, hour => 20, minute => 45, month => 1, quarter => 1, second => 11, year => 2013 },
local_rd_days => 734885,
local_rd_secs => 74711,
locale => $VAR1->Unknown macro: {entity0}Unknown macro: {last_updated}Unknown macro: {locale},
offset_modifier => 0,
rd_nanosecs => 633142000,
tz => $VAR1->Unknown macro: {last_updated}Unknown macro: {tz},
utc_rd_days => 734885,
utc_rd_secs => 74711,
utc_year => 2014
}, \'DateTime\' ),
name => "Test",
sort_name => "Test"
}, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Artist\' ),
link_order => 0,
link_type => bless(Unknown macro: { attributes => [], child_order => 0, description => "Indicates a parent-child relationship.", entity0_cardinality => 0, entity0_type => "artist", entity1_cardinality => 0, entity1_type => "artist", gid => "9421ca84-934f-49fe-9e66-dea242430406", has_dates => 1, id => 109, is_deprecated => 0, link_phrase => "children", long_link_phrase => "is the parent of", name => "parent", orderable_direction => 0, parent_id => 113, priority => 0, reverse_link_phrase => "parents" }, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::LinkType\' )
}Attribute 525 is unsupported for link type 109 at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Edit/Relationship.pm line 27, line 3.
at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Data/Edit.pm line 456.
at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Controller.pm line 104.
at lib/Sql.pm line 330.
at lib/Sql.pm line 330."Stack trace:
line 19 MusicBrainz::Server::Model::MB
line 203 MusicBrainz::Server::Controller
line 135 MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::Role::EditRelationships
line 88 MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::Role::Create
line 329 MusicBrainz::Server
line 303 MusicBrainz::Server
line 330 MusicBrainz::Server
line 344 MusicBrainz::Server
line 389 MusicBrainz::ServerRequest data:
$VAR1 = {
'query_parameters' => {},
'body_parameters' =>Unknown macro: { 'edit-artist.edit_note' => '', 'edit-artist.end_area.name' => '', 'edit-artist.period.end_date.month' => '', 'edit-artist.begin_area.gid' => '', 'edit-artist.rel.0.attributes.0.type.gid' => '4fd3b255-a7d7-4424-9a63-40fa543b601c', 'edit-artist.area_id' => '', 'edit-artist.period.end_date.year' => '', 'edit-artist.area.gid' => '', 'edit-artist.period.end_date.day' => '', 'edit-artist.comment' => '', 'edit-artist.end_area_id' => '', 'edit-artist.rel.1.attributes.0.type.gid' => '4fd3b255-a7d7-4424-9a63-40fa543b601c', 'edit-artist.name' => '1111111111110', 'edit-artist.begin_area.name' => '', 'edit-artist.area.name' => '', 'edit-artist.rel.1.target' => 'f6769c45-02ff-4dd8-b027-4351248f25b0', 'edit-artist.isni_codes.0' => '', 'edit-artist.rel.0.target' => '3a40a4c9-67ab-4887-90ab-2d7972f9e5b0', 'edit-artist.end_area.gid' => '', 'edit-artist.gender_id' => '', 'edit-artist.period.begin_date.year' => '', 'edit-artist.begin_area_id' => '', 'edit-artist.ipi_codes.0' => '', 'edit-artist.period.begin_date.month' => '', 'edit-artist.type_id' => '', 'edit-artist.sort_name' => '1', 'edit-artist.rel.0.link_type_id' => '103', 'edit-artist.rel.1.link_type_id' => '109', 'edit-artist.period.begin_date.day' => '' }};
Time: 2014-12-01 09:42:12 UTC
Host: rika
Interface language: en
- duplicates
MBS-7983 After adding "translator" relationship, "translated" flag gets stuck for subsequent relationship
- Closed