Resolution: Duplicate
When adding "siblings" relationship, appear "(founder)" in the next of date. and got error message "The data you have submitted does not make any changes to the data already present."
I copied the whole error / code message below...
Internal Server Error
Oops, something went wrong!
Caught exception in MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::Artist->edit "The edit could not be created.
POST: $VAR1 = {
'edit-artist.begin_area.gid' => 'aa03e165-4c73-4959-91c0-a99f9fa8ecab',
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'edit-artist.url.6.relationship_id' => '985157',
'edit-artist.url.4.text' => 'http://www.last.fm/music/%EA%B9%80%ED%98%95%EC%A4%80',
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'edit-artist.url.1.link_type_id' => '173',
'edit-artist.area.name' => 'South Korea',
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'edit-artist.url.4.relationship_id' => '975416',
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'edit-artist.url.8.relationship_id' => '975417',
'edit-artist.rel.1.period.begin_date.year' => '1990',
'edit-artist.ipi_codes.0' => '',
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'edit-artist.url.5.link_type_id' => '192',
'edit-artist.url.1.text' => 'https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kim_Hyung-jun_(SS501)_from_acrofan.jpg',
'edit-artist.url.2.link_type_id' => '176',
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'edit-artist.url.0.relationship_id' => '975418',
'edit-artist.url.7.link_type_id' => '179',
'edit-artist.url.5.text' => 'https://twitter.com/hyungjun87',
'edit-artist.area.gid' => 'b9f7d640-46e8-313e-b158-ded6d18593b3',
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'edit-artist.url.3.text' => 'http://instagram.com/kimhyungjun87',
'edit-artist.isni_codes.0' => '',
'edit-artist.url.9.link_type_id' => '193',
'edit-artist.period.begin_date.year' => '1987',
'edit-artist.url.6.text' => 'http://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q483926',
'edit-artist.period.begin_date.month' => '8',
'edit-artist.type_id' => '1',
'edit-artist.sort_name' => 'Kim, Hyung-Jun',
'edit-artist.end_area.name' => '',
'edit-artist.rel.0.attributes.0.type.gid' => '4fd3b255-a7d7-4424-9a63-40fa543b601c',
'edit-artist.url.7.text' => 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Hyung-jun',
'edit-artist.rel.1.period.begin_date.month' => '12',
'edit-artist.rel.0.relationship_id' => '250156',
'edit-artist.url.8.link_type_id' => '179',
'edit-artist.name' => "\x
'edit-artist.url.0.link_type_id' => '183',
'edit-artist.end_area.gid' => '',
'edit-artist.gender_id' => '1',
'edit-artist.url.3.relationship_id' => '981477',
'edit-artist.url.9.relationship_id' => '981476',
'edit-artist.rel.0.period.begin_date.month' => '6',
'edit-artist.rel.1.period.begin_date.day' => '29',
'edit-artist.url.2.text' => 'https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/id400825588',
'edit-artist.edit_note' => '-- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allen_Kim',
'edit-artist.period.end_date.month' => '',
'edit-artist.area_id' => '113',
'edit-artist.url.2.relationship_id' => '981479',
'edit-artist.comment' => '',
'edit-artist.end_area_id' => '',
'edit-artist.rel.1.target' => '85a84ab9-1965-4c88-a034-3196ca9eb7c6',
'edit-artist.url.0.text' => 'http://www.avexnet.or.jp/kimhyungjun/index.html',
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'edit-artist.url.6.link_type_id' => '352',
'edit-artist.url.1.relationship_id' => '981475',
'edit-artist.rel.1.link_type_id' => '110',
'edit-artist.period.begin_date.day' => '3'
Exception:$VAR1 = 'Could not create MusicBrainz::Server::Edit::Relationship::Create edit
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type_id => 173
}, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::Link\' ),
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link_order => 0
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}, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::URL::iTunes\' ),
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"has an official homepage at",
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url => bless( do{\\(my $o = "http://www.avexnet.or.jp/kimhyungjun/index.html")}, \'URI::http\' )
}, \'MusicBrainz::Server::Entity::URL\' ),
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Attribute 525 is unsupported for link type 110 at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Edit/Relationship.pm line 27, line 3.
at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Data/Edit.pm line 456
at lib/MusicBrainz/Server/Controller.pm line 104
at lib/Sql.pm line 330
at lib/Sql.pm line 330"
Stack trace:
line 19 MusicBrainz::Server::Model::MB
line 203 MusicBrainz::Server::Controller
line 135 MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::Role::EditRelationships
line 48 MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::Role::Edit
line 566 MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::Artist
line 330 MusicBrainz::Server
line 304 MusicBrainz::Server
line 331 MusicBrainz::Server
line 345 MusicBrainz::Server
line 391 MusicBrainz::Server
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Time: 2015-01-29 02:33:21 UTC
Host: pingu
URL: http://musicbrainz.org/artist/e9bfcdd6-14a4-43b3-8033-b7ca51820591/edit
We're terribly sorry for this problem. Please wait a few minutes and repeat your request — the problem may go away.
If the problem persists, please report a bug and include any error message that is shown above.
Please be sure to include the stack trace and request data shown above!
- duplicates
MBS-7983 After adding "translator" relationship, "translated" flag gets stuck for subsequent relationship
- Closed