New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
In the long term, wiki.musicbrainz.org should be moved to wiki.metabrainz.org but to achieve this goal wiki pages related to MusicBrainz have to be identified as such. A way out would be to move those pages under a new namespace "MusicBrainz:" similar to the current namespace "MetaBrainz:".
However doing so would break the documentation pages in MusicBrainz website, that's why it depends on deploying a solution such as MBS-13101 at first.
Reference: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Using_custom_namespaces
Add a custom "MusicBrainz:" wiki namespace
New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
In the long term, wiki.musicbrainz.org should be moved to wiki.metabrainz.org but to achieve this goal wiki pages related to MusicBrainz have to be identified as such. A way out would be to move those pages under a new namespace "MusicBrainz:" similar to the current namespace "MetaBrainz:".
However doing so would break the documentation pages in MusicBrainz website, that's why it depends on deploying a solution such as MBS-13101 at first.
Reference: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Using_custom_namespaces