Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
- MBS-9767
Remove search score display from the UI - MBS-9755
Fix unknown search in statistics for scripts - MBS-9726
Test: MBS chokes on large json response from solr - MBS-9636
Edit annotation tab in Work uses the wrong sub header even if work type is available - MBS-9626
Rewrite entity headers to React - MBS-9623
Port root/email to React - MBS-9540
Release lookup does not return user ratings in json ws - MBS-9423
JSON API does not output release-group type - MBS-9404
No post endpoint for json - MBS-9403
position attribute is missing in the json api output for media > track - MBS-9400
Tags are missing from artist nodes in /ws/2/release JSON requests
{"errorMessages":["You are not authorized to perform this operation. Please log in."],"errors":{}}
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