Picard should allow to post process cover art images provided by the providers. For this there could be provider independent options to:
- Ignore images smaller than specified width and height
- If image is larger than max. width and height, resize it to max. width and height
- If image not one of format a, b, c convert it to format y
- Automatically convert image to a format the underlying tagging supports when embedding into files
In additional additional image filters could be provided by plugins (e.g. cropping to square).
For implementing image processing several options could be investigated (needs to work on all platforms):
- Python Pillow
- ImageMagick
- Are Qt5 QImage capabilities maybe enough for our requirements? (https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qimage.html)
- has related issue
PICARD-860 Add coverart processing to the plugins api
- Reopened
PICARD-1477 Option to never replace an image with a smaller one
- Closed
- is related to
PICARD-1020 Artwork editing support
- Open
PICARD-2033 Allow CAA cover art provider to fetch smaller size if target size does not exist
- Reopened
PICARD-237 Embed cover art 500px instead of full resolution
- Closed
PICARD-1241 Resize cover art to the new size configured in a new option
- Closed