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  1. MusicBrainz Server
  2. MBS-4685

Allow modifying/removing own edit notes within 24h when there's been no follow-up


      It would be nice to be able (as in some forums) to modify/remove our own edit notes when no one else has yet posted other notes afterwards.

      1. jesus2099 crap edit note (remove)
      2. jesus2099 good edit note (remove)

      I could remove both 1. and/or 2. ↑ if I am jesus2099 because no one else answered.

      1. jesus2099 crap edit note
      2. nikki your note is crap
      3. jesus2099 I know (remove)

      Here I can't remove 1. ↑ because someone else posted later (*nikki).
      I could however remove 3. because no one else later answered.

      The implementation has the following conditions for a user to be able to edit or remove (blank) their edit note:
      1) the edit note is by the user (obviously)
      2) the edit note hasn't already been deleted
      3) the edit note isn't older than 24 hours
      4) the edit note hasn't gotten a reply by anyone else than the editor or ModBot
      5) the user hasn't had their edit note privileges disabled by an admin

      The editor can (optionally) include a reason for why they are editing / deleting the edit note, as well.

            reosarevok Nicolás Tamargo
            jesus2099 jesus2099
            1 Vote for this issue
            10 Start watching this issue


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