Resolution: Unresolved
Currently, editors can subscribe directly to artists, labels, and series, and indirectly (via collections) to releases and events. Conceptually, a list of directly-subscribed entities is not that different from a collection, and as collections will be available for all entity types soon (MBS-8004), it would make sense to use them instead of having a separate list-keeping implementation. To be a full replacement, this would require MBS-8003 so that subscriptions emails not only list the collections, but the individual entities within them. The "subscribe me to all artists I create" etc. preferences would need changing so that an editor could specify a collection to which the newly-created entities should be added.
This would resolve various requests for subscriptions to entity types that don't have them at present (MBS-6855, MBS-3951; not MBS-1228 though, because it seems it isn't actually about areas but about entities associated with areas). It would also resolve MBS-8267 because collections display tables with more information about their contained entities than just the name.
It would also mean that editors could have better organized subscriptions; e.g., separate collections for more or less important entities or for different genres.
Finally, it would remove duplicated functionality and code.
- depends on
MBS-8003 Make it possible to see details of changes in collection subscriptions
- Open
MBS-8004 Extend collections to other entities
- Closed
- has related issue
MBS-11900 A way to follow editors without subscribing / finer control over subscriptions: muting subs?
- Open
- is a dependency of
MBS-10827 Highlight destructive edits in notifications
- Open
- is duplicated by
MBS-9786 Allow collections of editors
- Closed
- is related to
MBS-7728 Subscribe to releases
- Closed
MBS-1228 Subscribe to areas
- Decision Required
MBS-3237 Customizable editor subscriptions
- Open
MBS-9421 Add a way to see reports for collections you're subscribed to
- Open
MBS-7912 New Edit search condition : edit is [not] in my subscriptions
- Closed
MBS-8287 Log deleted entities that were in a subscribed collection
- Closed
- resolves
MBS-3951 Subscribe to specific recordings and works
- Open
MBS-6855 Subscribe to places
- Open
MBS-8267 Show more info in subscriptions pages
- Open
MBS-8305 Should be able to subscribe to entity by mbid
- Open
Also, looking at how to resolve MBS-1228, I started to think about "dynamic lists" which would depend on the parent entity. For example for areas, I'd really like to have all artists that have area set to Slovakia (or one of its sub-areas) in one collection, so the list wouldn't be static, but it would update every time someone adds or removes Slovakia (or its sub-area) from one of the artists.
Recently, I've been editing (pretty much all) of the releases from an electronic music label called "Monstercat" and I'd like to be able to do similar thing with labels. If you add a label to one of your collection lists and set (let's say "also work with sub-entities"), it would behave as if you've added all of its (currently 350+) releases to your collection, so the notifications wouldn't only cover edits to the label and catalog number edits, but also any edit done to the releases associated with the label. And same as with the area suggestion, the collection would update every time someone adds or removes the label from any of the releases.
Adding these artists/releases manually is definitely not feasible in the long run and this "inheritance of sub-entities" could be extended to more stuff like works (not sure if you get notification edits for all recordings associated with a work).