- AB-454Apps are incompatible with M1 (arm64) macOS machines
- AB-137Improve validation of low-level data submissions
- AB-141Listing all challenges and datasets requires different routes
- AB-357Evaluate both MB database access methods to decide which one is more efficient
- AB-407Redirect old legacy API endpoints to new endpoint with http redirect
- AB-148Submitting a dataset for evaluation should ignore non-submitted Recording MBIDs
- AB-479There is no recording for [silence]
- AB-478Move AB data storage from database to disk
- AB-475Provide a tool to submit acousticbrainz data from online streaming services (spotify, apple music, etc.)
- AB-476Create dump of specific AB features (BPM, key)
- AB-474Dataset evaluation stuck at "Loading job list...." on acousticbrainz.org
- AB-473Improve formatting and code in react app
- AB-468Similarity page stucks at loading because API returns 404
- AB-470Allow to either collapse or otherwise hide same MBID in similarity lists
- AB-469Recording's similarity shows itself in the list
- AB-410Provide an API endpoint to select only highlevel models that are wanted
- AB-466similarity: build annoy index files in parallel
- AB-465similarity: Functionality to add new similarity
- AB-464similarity: Provide annoy indexes as downloads
- AB-463similarity: Perform periodic updates
- AB-462similarity: enable feedback
- AB-461similarity: Add audio player
- AB-449Problems with "gender" model / measurement
- AB-25Static essentia extractor builds are being distributed in violation of ffmpeg/libav license
- AB-1AcousticBrainz OSX GUI client is not code signed
- AB-459Dark Mode for AcousticBrainz Website
- AB-4Provide database dumps
- AB-78List with database evaluation jobs in user profile should be paginated
- AB-41Check if recording ID in submitted data exists in MusicBrainz
- AB-32Don't let people submit to a replicated server
- AB-73Dataset social discussion
- AB-116Dataset tagging
- AB-115Store a copy of musicbrainz metadata in the AcousticBrainz database
- AB-65AcousticBrainz should support Stems files
- AB-46Data page doesn't show if MB server is unavailable
- AB-64Catch exceptions that occur in Gaia during dataset evaluation
- AB-27Compare taco function
- AB-70Calculate ETA of evaluation job
- AB-397Delete user account
- AB-319Remove usage of jsonify in webserver.views.datasets
- AB-395Identify users by MB ids, instead of usernames
- AB-312Either improve or remove the YouTube matching
- AB-447Cannot delete a dataset if it has a snapshot
- AB-442Improve structure of dataset editor code
- AB-445Scanning a second folder makes the submission tool scan unrelated folders
- AB-337Implement the user account deletion endpoint
- AB-315Fix high level json dumps
- AB-314Don't allow more than X recordings in a data dump file
- AB-444Update documentation to include a description of high-level mappings
- AB-440Make HL extractor reduce load on database
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