- CB-36Filter to only show release groups with a review
- CB-464Can't log in to CritiqueBrainz if on MusicBrainz Beta
- CB-463Reviews of merged entities are not visible in the target artist
- CB-427Support entity endpoint in the API including average rating
- CB-462Update guidelines regarding truncated reviews/reviews with links
- CB-426Subscribe to user
- CB-460Review of a Year in Music
- CB-455line breaks don't always appear properly in reviews
- CB-140Show unofficial / bootleg releases in separate tab
- CB-432Cannot see release-groups by an artist that don't have a type set
- CB-329Enable Chinese (Taiwan) on CritiqueBrainz
- CB-450Send e-mail to MB account admins when a CB user is blocked
- CB-445CritiqueBrainz includes 3rd-party resources without consent
- CB-391Enable Native Browser Spellchecker
- CB-112Default language selection doesn't work with language variations
- CB-404Use Musicbrainz languages
- CB-224Entity type indicators break layout of the recent reviews list in languages != english
- CB-55Separate most used languages in language selector on review creation page
- CB-243Aggregate reviews from other sources
- CB-457Integrate "Play on ListenBrainz" / ListenBrainz Player
- CB-456review edit page is terribly mobile-unfriendly
- CB-385Make moderator flag a database table column
- CB-454Time points for recordings
- CB-453Summarize 'ratings' feedback
- CB-345Rename schema change files in admin/sql/updates
- CB-435API reviews list performs n+1 queries to get votes
- CB-452Embed json-ld for reviews
- CB-394Do not allow CC BY-NC-SA license for future reviews
- CB-442Improve layout of CB entity page
- CB-451Moderation guidelines for CritiqueBrainz
- CB-439Don't show ratings as "full reviews"
- CB-447Show a small preview of review text on an entity page
- CB-436Show number of related items in tabs on entity pages
- CB-449List of reviews for an entity contains mostly ratings
- CB-446Include rating inline in list of reviews, don't link if it's only a rating
- CB-441Need a way to show that an entity/review is for MB or BB
- CB-443API key for review license text is full_name
- CB-410Revisions of reviews are created when drafts are made, and they remain visible
- CB-431Allow Application-type oauth apps
- CB-418Improve display of releases on recording review page
- CB-390Shouldn't have to chose a license just to save drafts
- CB-424IntegrityError: (psycopg2.errors.UniqueViolation) duplicate key value violates unique constraint "review_release_...
- CB-422InvalidClient error during Oauth authorization
- CB-343Allow users to create lists
- CB-413Dark Mode for CritiqueBrainz Website
- CB-399Title doesn't show on edit page for some reviews
- CB-403Show all reviews referred to by a redirected MBID
- CB-400Deal with reviews of entities that have been deleted from MusicBrainz
- CB-62Allow users to import their email from MusicBrainz account
- CB-334Give the user an option to unselect their default license choice.
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