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- MBS-7619admin/config.sh means configuration is split between files (and since checked-in complicates customization)
- MBS-7603Replication trigger missing for link_attribute_text_value table
- MBS-7600Firefox: "Edit Note" does not show Add Release Label if the annotation gets removed
- MBS-7599Relationship editor doesn't load relationships for some recordings
- MBS-7597Replacing recording-work relationship in relationship editor fails
- MBS-7596The relationship editor dialog should work on a copy of the relationship until the dialog is accepted
- MBS-7593Regression: Seeding URLs to mini-relationship editor is broken
- MBS-7579Error while trying to add a release
- MBS-7576Not possible to add relationships to a non-label from a label edit page
- MBS-7575Support creating/editing URL relationships with the /relationship-editor endpoint
- MBS-7570Add series and instruments as linkable entities in annotations
- MBS-7567Provide "copy/sort" bubble for all alias sortnames
- MBS-7563Multiple failures on "edit label"
- MBS-7562Regression: Error trying to unset a label in "edit release label"
- MBS-7561Relationship editor doesn't show the count of selected recordings
- MBS-7559Sort name guess case is missing from series alias pages
- MBS-7558Relationship-editor shows "The end date cannot preceed the begin date" incorrectly
- MBS-7556URL cleanup broken on edit URL pages
- MBS-7555ISE when changing series order numbering
- MBS-7550Regression: Editor search is broken
- MBS-7549Regression: Release Editor URL seeding does not work anymore
- MBS-7548Automatic series ordering doesn't work correctly
- MBS-7547Remove MAC authentication for WS
- MBS-7545Release editor creates empty URL edits if you just change the release name
- MBS-7544Grouping link types are selectable in the release editor
- MBS-7543"Cancel" does not cancel changes made in mini-relationship-editor for instrument-performer ARs
- MBS-7539series. numbering elements is not auto-edit while setting automatic is
- MBS-7538Regression: Not possible to edit URL relationship attributes
- MBS-7533Can't create a new series from inline search
- MBS-7532ISE: Undefined value when relating Release Groups to an ordered Series
- MBS-7530Caught exception in MusicBrainz::Server::Controller::Series->add_alias "The edit could not be created.
- MBS-7519"PDF file" labels displayed on top of image previews
- MBS-7517Deleted editors should appear as "deleted", not as "Limited User"
- MBS-7516Age of 0 not displayed in user profiles
- MBS-7514New accounts may be called "Deleted Editor #nnn"
- MBS-7513Uploading PDF cover art requires the user to switch to the "All files" filetype in the file selection dialog
- MBS-7493Redirected MBID pages, slave/beta servers, and non-preferred scheme should use rel=canonical to link to the main site
- MBS-7354Internal Server Error in mini relationship editor when a relationship has been removed
- MBS-6309Search results don't have a score column anymore after a few pages
- MBS-6181Deleted editors may be nominated for auto-editorship
1 of 40
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